Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January 29, 2018

MTC Buddies Reunited at Midpoint Training

Hello one and all!

It's been an interesting week out here in the City of Retirees and Cigarette Butts.

We had our Midpoint Training on Friday. So, that means we went to the bus station and had a three hour bus ride to Larnaca (other side of the island) and then had two and a half hours of training and meetings and then ran back to the bus to catch the 4 o’clock back to Paphos, which was another three hour trip. 

We had the chance to enjoy the rain of Cyprus. Two days in a row, we enjoyed biking in the lovely cold and hard rain. I felt like a real missionary, haha. We had enjoyed a branch game night, which was a good success. We had three friends come, and they had a great time. 

On Saturday, we had a day of miracles! We were walking back to the church after walking up the huge hill to a member's home, and we ran into three guys we had made friends with a few weeks ago. We talked to them and gave their other friend a Book of Mormon. I told them they better stop bailing out on football, haha. Oh, yeah. We spoke Greek to them, and they replied in English. Thanks, MTC, for only teaching me gospel related Greek words! But hey, it helped with that conversation.

After this nice little exchange, we still headed to the church when then we saw our friend M. unloading groceries from her car! So, we ran over and helped bring them into the house. It really was a miracle, and we were able to set up an appointment for Sunday evening, and she said she would bake for us! #YES

Then right after we left her, we turned the corner and a guy's car had broken down on the side of the road, half on and half off the sidewalk, so we started just pushing, lol. We got him up onto the sidewalk so he wouldn't get hit by cars coming around the corner.

Sunday was good. Church was small, but R. came. We gave her a short lesson using Google translate. By the way, “Hey, Google, update your Hindi section please!”

Yes, I know, Hillary. My grammar is terrible in this email, but you can rest easy knowing I'm teaching a bunch of Russians grammar that is most definitely correct. Hehe—not! (Hillary is Elder Müller’s older sister, and she teaches grammar for a living, so she has been sending him resources to help him teach English. Little does Elder Müller know, but Hillary has already been lightly editing his emails for grammar before posting them on the blog! 😊 ).

R. told us she doesn't want to be baptized yet, but as she learns more, then she will be! So that is cool. Sunday evening, we went with the Sampsons to M.'s. It was a good lesson, I think. It could have gone better, but the Spirit was strong as Elder J. and I testified that she can and will be with her husband again. 

So yeah, the food here is soooo good. The people are for the most part nice, and we are working hard. Love you all and stay safe!

- Πρεσβύτερος Μούλερ (Elder Müller)

Editor’s Note: Click on an image to enlarge and scroll through all of them at once.

MTC Buddies Reunited at Midpoint Training

Lunch at Salmon's Taste. A restaurant dedicated to salmon and super foods!

Elder J. At Salmon's Taste

One of the many beautiful flowers on Cyprus

A pit that we found

Road across from the pit

Our huge umbrellas!

The bus schedule

The bus schedule

The bus schedule

Elder  Muller's Christmas box finally arrived! New Clothes!

New clothes for Christmas in January!

Elder J. working in the kitchen

Elder Muller watching as Elder J. prepares dinner!

Boys being boys!

Boys being boys some more!

Elder J. is an awesome cook!

The apartment

I wonder why he isn't helping?

Modeling his new warm up jacket from home.

A fountain by town square

Poetry in different languages by the fountain

Reflection shots at the church building

New pants from his Christmas box!

Enjoying his new Christmas pants!

Some wonderful news from the island of Cyprus! Baptisms in the Mediterranean Sea! These wonderful new Saints were baptized by the Zone Leaders in Cyprus. Elder Muller was not part of these wonderful experiences.

These pictures were shared with permission from Sister Heder. She says "Baptisms are beautiful and we have had 3 in Cyprus in the last 2 weeks. Wonderful!" 

And we also have pictures to share from the Midpoint Meeting, which was for all new missionaries and their trainers!  Plus pictures from the Return and Report Meeting which, I believe, included all of the missionaries serving on the island of Cyprus. These pictures are also being used with permission from Sister Heder! It is so exciting to see Elder Muller being part of training with his Mission President, President Heder! And he was able to see some of the Elders from his MTC group that are also serving on the island of Cyprus but in different cities!  Such a happy group of missionaries!