Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The King of Cyprus...For Now

Monday, January 14, 2019

Ice! In a Cypriot village

Hey, everyone! So, the title of the email is because tomorrow we have transfer calls, and I am worried I will be sent to that place I once visited...a verrrrry long time ago...what do they call it? Oh yeah, Greece! LOL! We have no idea what will happen with the transfer, so I thought I may as well title the email like this before it's not true anymore!

TUESDAY, January 8th: We helped at Caritas, and I got to actually help this time and not just sit around and talk to people! It was great. But if I get moved, then they pretty much don't want the missionaries to come back because they keep having to retrain people. We had district council with an awesome lunch from Sister Fleming. We did finding afterwards with the sisters and the Nicosia squad. The zone leaders weren't there this time. My friend R. was bumped into by Elders F. and I. and had tried to read a little in the Book of Mormon. She's mint! 

WEDNESDAY, January 9th: We had an appointment with a lady from Cameroon named H. in the morning, and D. tagged along so that we could teach her in the church building. She is sooo nice!!! We had a lesson with G., and he recognized the need to be rebaptized!!!!!!!!! ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ ΚΟΥΜΠΑΡΕ!!!!!! We went on a search in Lidra to find me some gloves and saw two old friends and a member from Russia who is visiting, but we never found my gloves, hahahaha. MOM, DO NOT SEND GLOVES!!!!!! As we were walking with a friend towards the church for Greek class, we were teaching him some phrases when this lady who was walking behind/next to us started asking how we speak Greek and the like. I ended up speaking to her for about 15 minutes and explained about what we do here. She accepted a pass-along card and asked if anyone was welcome to come and learn more; of course, I said YES!!! She was from Athens and said that she could tell we were pure guys because of the goodness in our faces. Pretty mint! Plus, she made fun of Cypriot, lol.

THURSDAY, January 10th: We went to the village and taught our friends there. Our friend A. is progressing well, and we are excited for that. We had a lesson with G., the friend of D. and D., and that went really well. She now knows more about who God is and the Fall of Adam and Eve. We were supposed to have a lesson with a friend at Subway, but more people we knew just kept running into us. So, we ended up feeding four African guys instead of eating dinner, lol. I also called a guy that we met on Wednesday to set up an appointment, and this guy was just bawling his eyes out on the phone. He had just found out that his wife in Africa is now with his brother...a mission is a crazy experience, guys.

FRIDAY, January 11th: We went to an old friend of the elders here and tried to teach a lesson, but he instead told us about how he has been to Canada and America illegally. He told us the stories of how he not once, but TWICE, crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a shipping container and lived like that for months! When he got to America, he was taken in by some Pentecostal Gypsies, lol. By the way, this guy is 100% there, and this stuff is not fake. He has a crazy, crazy life. We taught Squad 2, and D. is doing really well now that we focused on his needs and concerns.

SATURDAY, January 12th: We played football, but the turnout was not the best. We then had weekly planning as well, and that was kind of it, except for a lesson with I.! This guy is golden!!!!!! He is so humble and willing to learn.

SUNDAY, January 13th: We didn't have as many people in church this week as normal, but it was still pretty full. We had 16 men in priesthood meeting!!!! Almost half of those are friends! Our friend C. just randomly showed up at church with his Bible and the Book of Mormon. We haven't had contact in almost a month!!!  We had another lesson with D. and saw just how much of a blessing the Book of Mormon is. He doesn't understand how God can be all knowing because he doesn't understand the Fall of Adam and Eve. I am excited for our Friday lesson.

That is about it, lads. Have a great week!

- Elder Müller
(King of Cyprus...for now)

Elder Muller decided he had a thing for stairwells!

Pday poker and Taco Bell!

Another bed in the apartment

Making room for two more elders!

Rooftop from our friend's apartment

Rooftop from our friend's apartment

Rooftop from our friend's apartment

Rooftop from our friend's apartment

Snow and ice in a Cypriot village!

Snow and ice in a Cypriot village!

Cool Kid's Club Video

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