Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Diet District

Monday, July 30, 2018

Hey, guys! I have no recollection of this week whatsoever, so this will be fun!

TUESDAY: We don't have a senior couple in Paphos anymore to do food for District Meeting. When we arrived in Paphos, we went with the Zone Leaders shopping. We had tuna, eggs, low-fat yogurt (my new protein powder mixed into it), and watermelon; there you have yourself a Diet District/Zone lunch that half of the people loved and half of the people hated! Lol! That is what happens when your district leaders tell you to organize food, and you don't do it, hehe #shotsfired. Paphos District Meeting went well, and I was happy because I finally have protein powder. IT IS BULKING SEASON, LADS. We had a last supper with A. He got us souvlaki, and we took some goodbye photos with him and N. We are taking care of their cat while they are away. 

Souvlaki with A.

Goodbye pics for Elder V. and A. and N.

Goodbye pics for Elder V. and A. and N.

WEDNESDAY: We had service and then an interesting visit with a member. We discussed reincarnation versus resurrection. As some of our sister missionaries say, "The church is true, the church is true, the church is true" (Sisters S. and C.).

We saw our friend L. and her son. They are great, and we were able to keep him occupied while she cleaned the pizza place. We saw a member to give a blessing and checked up on a less-active member.

THURSDAY: We attempted to go to a little zoo with our friend P., but there wasn't any parking, so we just went home, lol. We found "Cup of Soup" in the cupboard and decided to have it for lunch. Turns out, it expired in 2013. Don't eat it! It was nasty, but Elder V. loved it and ate three bowls. We went to Nuovo, the cafe owned by N.'s kids, and had smoothies with C. He's a lad. We then went to go see an old friend who I hadn't met before. He pulled up right as we were leaving his place because he wasn't home until then. We did service and had dinner at a member's home.

FRIDAY: We said goodbye to V. at the charity shop. We saw L. and her husband, and that went well. They told us all about and showed us scenes from the latest Marvel movies, haha. We tried to have a lesson with her, but she spoke for an hour about all the miracles she has experienced in her life. She received a prompting one time to go back and check a black suitcase that was on the side of the road. She did and found 50,000 whatever the currency is in Bulgaria! [Editor’s note: Bulgarian currency is the Lev)] We did service at a member's home, and they took us to McDonald's for dinner. I had my first Big Mac.

Elder V. saying goodbye to V. at the charity shop

Elder Muller eating his first ever Big Mac...he wants
everyone to know he didn't choose the meal! Bye bye diet!

SATURDAY: We spent the entire day doing service at a member’s home. We made spring rolls. I now know how to make Filipino spring rolls, by the way, and how to wrap them and everything. 

SUNDAY: It was a good day at church, and we saw G. and D. with the Risers.

Elder V. with G. and D.

Elder and Sister Riser, Elder V., and G. and D.

Love y’all!

Elder Müller

After a long day, smoothies with the Risers
Pictures of fun with A.'s cat, and, of course, pictures of sleeping Elders AND A LUNAR ECLIPSE AND BLOOD MOON that Elder Muller totally forgot to mention in his letter!!

Me and A.'s cat

Coloring with a member's daughter

Coloring with a member's daughter

Coloring with a member's daughter

Coloring with a member's daughter

A masterpiece!

Lunar eclipse and blood moon

Lunar eclipse and blood moon

Lunar eclipse and blood moon

Lunar eclipse and blood moon

Lunar eclipse and blood moon

Lunar eclipse and blood moon